Sadat Ramazan

An Event by Auragrande – Saadat Ramazan

Aurgrande is going to organize an Event with the Name of Saadat Ramazan, the CEO Of Auragrande Faisal Maqsood is going to organize this event in a way in which the new offers are going to be share. This event is going to organize with the help of multi national companies like Careem, Jahangeer Studio and few others.


Sadat Ramazan

Sadat Ramazan


The New Rate list of Aura  Grande for 2017 is as follows:

Happy Ramadan 2016

Restaurant Mania is happy to announce the new upcoming and adventures plan for this year with the contribution of premium restaurants located in Rawalpindi / Islamabad. We appreciate and look forward to hear the contributions and some excellent Offers from Restaurants Owners, for more information please email us at: or give us a call back at: 0321-5342074